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The historic sward had just been cleared for action when Raffles and I met at Lord’s next day. I blush to own I had been knave and fool enough to suggest that he should smuggle me into the pavilion; but perhaps the only laws of man that Raffles really respected were those of the M.C.C., and it was in Block B. that he joined me a minute or so before eleven. The sun was as strong and the sky as blue as though the disastrous day before had been just such another. But its tropical shower-bath had left the London air as cleanly and as clear as crystal; the neutral tints of every day were splashes of vivid colour, the waiting umpires animated snow-men, the heap of sawdust at either end a pyramid of powdered gold upon an emerald ground. And in the expectant hush before the appearance of the fielding side, I still recall the Yorkshire accent of the Surrey Poet, hawking his latest lyric on some “Great Stand by Mr. Webbe and Mr. Stoddart,” and incidentally assuring the crowd that Cambridge was going to win because everybody said Oxford would.filtered face shield nose and mouth“And alone?”how do you install rain x wiper blades“But there was nothing wrong with your works,” I reminded Raffles; he shook his head as one who was not so sure.“Voyou!”ff7 disinfectant deodorant digestive“Why, Bunny? What rot you do talk!” he cried, but only with the skin-deep irritation of a half-hearted displeasure.